Bulletin for Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Service of Light


702 My Faith Looks Up to Thee

1      My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
    Savior divine.
Now hear me while I pray;
Take all my guilt away;
O let me from this day
    Be wholly Thine!

2      May Thy rich grace impart
Strength to my fainting heart;
    My zeal inspire!
As Thou hast died for me,
Oh, may my love to Thee
Pure, warm, and changeless be,
    A living fire!

3      While life’s dark maze I tread
And griefs around me spread,
    Be Thou my guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow’s tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
    From Thee aside.

4      When ends life’s transient dream,
When death’s cold, sullen stream
    Shall o’er me roll,
Blest Savior, then, in love,
Fear and distrust remove;
O bear me safe above,
    A ransomed soul!

Text: Ray Palmer, 1808–87
Text: Public domain

Opening Versicles

L    The Lord Almighty grant us a quiet night and peace at the last.

C    Amen.

L    It is good to give thanks to the Lord,

C    to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;

L    to herald Your love in the morning,

C    Your truth at the close of the day.

Confession of Sins

L    I confess to God Almighty, before the whole company of heaven and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned in thought, word, and deed by my fault, by my own fault, by my own most grievous fault; wherefore I pray God Almighty to have mercy on me, forgive me all my sins, and bring me to everlasting life. Amen.

C    The almighty and merciful Lord grant you pardon, forgiveness, and remission of all your sins. Amen.

C    I confess to God Almighty, before the whole company of heaven and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned in thought, word, and deed by my fault, by my own fault, by my own most grievous fault; wherefore I pray God Almighty to have mercy on me, forgive me all my sins, and bring me to everlasting life. Amen.

L    The almighty and merciful Lord grant you pardon, forgiveness, and remission of all your sins.

C    Amen.

Psalm                                                     Psalm 140:1–8, 11–13

1Deliver me, O Lord, from evil men;
    preserve me from violent men,
2who plan evil things in their heart
    and stir up wars continually.
3They make their tongue sharp as a serpent’s,
    and under their lips is the venom of asps.
4Guard me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked;
    preserve me from violent men,
    who have planned to trip up my feet.
5The arrogant have hidden a trap for me,
    and with cords they have spread a net;
    beside the way they have set snares for me.
6I say to the Lord, You are my God;
    give ear to the voice of my pleas for mercy, O Lord!
7O Lord, my Lord, the strength of my salvation,
    you have covered my head in the day of battle.
8Grant not, O Lord, the desires of the wicked;
    do not further their evil plot or they will be exalted!

12I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted,
    and will execute justice for the needy.
13Surely the righteous shall give thanks to your name;
    the upright shall dwell in your presence.


Readings & Catechism

Reading                                                              Genesis 39

L    A reading from Genesis, chapter 39.

    1Now Joseph had been brought down to Egypt, and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the guard, an Egyptian, had bought him from the Ishmaelites who had brought him down there. 2The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man, and he was in the house of his Egyptian master. 3His master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord caused all that he did to succeed in his hands. 4So Joseph found favor in his sight and attended him, and he made him overseer of his house and put him in charge of all that he had. 5From the time that he made him overseer in his house and over all that he had the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had, in house and field. 6So he left all that he had in Joseph’s charge, and because of him he had no concern about anything but the food he ate.

    Now Joseph was handsome in form and appearance. 7And after a time his master’s wife cast her eyes on Joseph and said, “Lie with me.” 8But he refused and said to his master’s wife, “Behold, because of me my master has no concern about anything in the house, and he has put everything that he has in my charge. 9He is not greater in this house than I am, nor has he kept back anything from me except yourself, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” 10And as she spoke to Joseph day after day, he would not listen to her, to lie beside her or to be with her.

    11But one day, when he went into the house to do his work and none of the men of the house was there in the house, 12she caught him by his garment, saying, “Lie with me.” But he left his garment in her hand and fled and got out of the house. 13And as soon as she saw that he had left his garment in her hand and had fled out of the house, 14she called to the men of her household and said to them, “See, he has brought among us a Hebrew to laugh at us. He came in to me to lie with me, and I cried out with a loud voice. 15And as soon as he heard that I lifted up my voice and cried out, he left his garment beside me and fled and got out of the house.” 16Then she laid up his garment by her until his master came home, 17and she told him the same story, saying, “The Hebrew servant, whom you have brought among us, came in to me to laugh at me. 18But as soon as I lifted up my voice and cried, he left his garment beside me and fled out of the house.”

    19As soon as his master heard the words that his wife spoke to him, “This is the way your servant treated me,” his anger was kindled. 20And Joseph’s master took him and put him into the prison, the place where the king’s prisoners were confined, and he was there in prison. 21But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison. 22And the keeper of the prison put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners who were in the prison. Whatever was done there, he was the one who did it. 23The keeper of the prison paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph’s charge, because the Lord was with him. And whatever he did, the Lord made it succeed.

L    O Lord, have mercy on us.

C    Thanks be to God.

The Fourth Commandment

Honor your father and your mother.

What does this mean?

We should fear and love God so that we do not despise or anger our parents and other authorities, but honor them, serve and obey them, love and cherish them.

The Sixth Commandment

You shall not commit adultery.

What does this mean?

We should fear and love God so that we lead a sexually pure and decent life in what we say and do, and husband and wife love and honor each other.

The Eighth Commandment

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

What does this mean?

We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, slander him, or hurt his reputation, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way.

783 Take My Life and Let It Be                                     

1      Take my life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.

2      Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love;
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.

3      Take my voice and let me sing
Always, only for my King;
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee.

4      Take my silver and my gold,
Not a mite would I withhold;
Take my intellect and use
Ev’ry pow’r as Thou shalt choose.

5      Take my will and make it Thine,
It shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart, it is Thine own,
It shall be Thy royal throne.

6      Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself, and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee.

Text: Frances R. Havergal, 1836–79
Text: Public domain





L: O Lord,  C: have mercy.  L: O Christ,  C: have  mercy.  L: O Lord,  C: have mercy.

L: O Christ,  C: hear us. L: God the Father in heaven,  C: have mercy. L: God the Son, Redeemer of the world,  C: have mercy. L: God the Holy Spirit,  C: have mercy.

Jesus, Son of the living God, Have mercy.  From all evil, O Jesus, deliver us.

From sudden, unprepared, or evil death; From the snares of the devil; From anger, hatred, or ill-will; From everlasting death, O Jesus, deliver us.

By the mystery of Your incarnation; By Your most holy life and conversation; By Your most bitter Passion and death; By Your agony and bloody sweat; By Your thrice-repeated prayer; By Your bonds and stripes; By Your sacred body, buffeted and smitten; By the spitting upon Your adorable face; By the false judgment pronounced by Caiaphas; By Herod’s disdain of You; By the shameful stripping of Your garments; By Your painful crown of thorns; By Your purple robe of mockery; By Your most unjust condemnation; By Your bearing Your own cross; By Your footprints to the place of death; By the tearing off of Your garments; By the cruel straining of Your sacred limbs; By Your dread crucifixion; By the anguish You did suffer; By Your prayers and tears; By the insults You endured; By the shedding of Your most precious blood; By Your patience and humility; By the love with which You loved us to the end: O Jesus, deliver us.

We poor sinners implore You to hear us: O most loving Jesus.

That being dead to sin, we may live unto righteousness; That we may take up our cross daily and follow You; That Your blood may cleanse us from dead works to serve the living God; That looking on Your example, we may follow Your steps; That being partakers of Your sufferings, we may be also partakers of Your glory: We implore You to hear us, O Jesus.

To give comfort and relief to all who have asked for our prayers [especially ______________]: We implore You to hear us, O Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, Have mercy.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, Have mercy.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, Grant us Your peace.

Collect for Peace

L    O God, from whom come all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works, give to us, Your servants, that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may be set to obey Your commandments and also that we, being defended from the fear of our enemies, may live in peace and quietness; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C    Amen.

Lord’s Prayer

L    Taught by our Lord and trusting His promises, we are bold to pray:

C    Our Father who art in heaven,

     hallowed be Thy name,

     Thy kingdom come,

     Thy will be done on earth

          as it is in heaven;

     give us this day our daily bread;

     and forgive us our trespasses

          as we forgive those

          who trespass against us;

     and lead us not into temptation,

     but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom

     and the power and the glory

     forever and ever. Amen.



L    Let us bless the Lord.

C    Thanks be to God.


P    The almighty and merciful Lord, the Father, the T Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless and preserve you.

C    Amen.


Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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