“Faith – Do Not Fear: Service – Jesus Works Through Us,” (Luke 5:1-11) July 4, 2021

Do you ever think about how much trouble it was for Jesus to have disciples? 

They seem to be messing up and slowing Him all the time. 

How many times do the Scriptures say, And they did not understand what He was saying. 

O foolish of heart and slow to believe. 

O ye of little faith. 

The disciples are found arguing among themselves about who is the greatest. 

Jesus one time tells them all that He came to live and die and the time has come near for Him to die and Peter says, Far be it from you, Lord, that’s not a good idea Jesus. 

And Jesus has to say to Peter, Get behind me Satan, for your not setting your mind on the things of God but on the things of man. 

Today, Jesus calls Peter and James and John to be His disciples and knowing all things, do you ever wonder if Jesus is thinking, 

They are going to mess up all the time.  They’re going to be a lot of trouble. 

And you’ve heard this statement, 

If I want it done right, then I’m going to have to do it myself. 

Dear fellow saints, my name is Christopher, and I’m one of Jesus disciples. I’m a sinner and I mess up all the time and I cause a lot of trouble sometimes. 

Hello Christopher. 

It is a great mystery, isn’t it? 

That Jesus has created us and called us and uses us? 

If you don’t put yourself in those stories of all the times that Jesus’ disciples messed up and seemed to slow Him down –  

Their arguing, their little and confusion, their setting their minds on the things of this world and not of God – 

Then now would be the time to stand up and say your name and join us all sinners. 

There can be only one reason why Jesus called Peter, James and John to be Christians and then used them to be fishers of men, His apostles, 

And that is because He loves them and because through them, He will love the world. 

And the same is true for you. 

You have been created, you have been preserved thus far, you have been called to Jesus to be with Him and receive His mercy and forgiveness and salvation because He loves you, and because He loves the world around you, He uses you, too. 

There are two primary but different things Jesus teaches us in todays Gospel Reading. 

The first is the call to faith and the second is the call to vocation, or the call to good works 

We cannot get them confused.  They are distinct, even if they cannot be separated. 

They are intimately related to each other, but they are different. 

Jesus calls Peter and James and John and you and I to faith, 

Do not be afraid. 

It’s the same for us all 

And then He calls us to good works. 

That’s in a lot of ways different for us all 

For Peter, James and John, He called them to apostles 

I will make you fishers of men. 

For you and me, it’s all about who we are husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, children, workers, friends, congregation members, pastors, citizens, etc. 

So, first, let’s consider the call to faith. 

Jesus says, Do not fear. 

If Jesus disciples are messing up all the time, then Jesus love and peace giving Do not fear Word is also coming out all the time. 

One time, when they are all in the boat and Jesus is sleeping and a storm rises, 

They have to go and wake Jesus up, 

Lord do you not care that we are perishing. 

Peace, be still. 

Do not fear. 

Another time, Jesus address their anxiety and fear about tomorrow, if they’ll have enough 

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. 


Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 

Immediately right after those promises, He addresses their fears of what the world will do if they confess Him and gives them this promise and warning. 

“And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God, but the one who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God  

Another time 

49 While he was still speaking, someone from the ruler’s house came and said, “Your daughter is dead; do not trouble the Teacher any more.” 50 But Jesus on hearing this answered him, “Do not fear; only believe 

Jesus birth bring the news: 

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 

Jesus resurrection removes all fear 

Peace be with you. 

This is the call to faith.  The call to recongize that your sins are forgiven.  That God is with you, not to condemn you, but to save you and love you. 

The call to recongize the judge who knows all things about you is also the One who died to remove your sins as far as the east is from the west. 

Peter’s initial desire, after the miraculous catch of fish, was to want Jesus to depart, because he realized he was unworthy, he was a sinful man. 

Peter did not want to be condemned, 

But Jesus words 

Do not fear, 

Remove condemnation and bring absolution. 

And with forgiveness of sins is also life and salvation from God. 

With forgiveness of sins is also the Holy Spirit and love and joy and peace and patience and faith and hope and courage. 

Do not fear. 

God loves you and forgives and is with you now and has prepared a place for you in heaven 

Do not fear. 

There is nothing outside of His authority and control, 

All things are underneath His feet, 

And you are in His hands. 

Do not fear. 

You are saved. 

Only He could do that.  

Only He save you and cleanse you and forgive you and call you to Himself and protect. 

If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself, and He did everything Himself for you and for the world. 

Do not fear. 

And that is foundation for you to love God and begin again to love your neighbor. 

Jesus called Peter and James and John to be apostles. 

What has He called you to do? 

Luther would have a consider, are you husband, wife, father, mother, child, brother, sister, etc? 

That is, God has called you to love them. 

Perhaps you sometimes feel like you mess up a lot of times and cause a lot of trouble and you feel like Jesus disciples. 

Perhaps you realize that the ones you are called to love also mess up and cause you all sorts of trouble,  

Slow you down, 

Keep you from always doing what you want to do. 

But Jesus loves them, and even loves them through you. 

He doesn’t need you or them, 

But He wants you and them to be loved and to love, 

Because God is love and made in His image and redeemed by His blood, that is who He calls us to be, too. 

When, not if, but when, as often when, you realize that you mess up in that loving them call, then is the time to always rejoice that Jesus loves you and forgives you. 

Do not fear. 

Because that is the power of Holy Spirit calling you to believe and be refreshed again to love. 

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